Herzog Blaubarts Burg
von Béla Bartók
Premiere am 24. mai 2013
Deutsches Nationaltheater Weimar
Regie: Valentin Schwarz
Bühne: Andrea Cozzi
Kostüme: Sophie Du Vinage
Dramaturgie: Kathrin Kondaurow
Blut, Benzinkanister, Gold, Wasser, Panzertür, Blumen, Radio, Lüftungsanlage, Modell, Hupfburg, Tabletten, Momentaufnahme
It is a vast, circular, Gothic hall. Steep stairs at left lead up to a small iron door. To the right of the stairs seven enormous doors, four of them directly facing the audience, the last two at one side. No windows, no ornamentation. The hall is empty, dark, and forbidding like a cave hewn in the heart of solid rock. When the curtain rises the stage is in total darkness. Suddenly the small iron door at the head of the stairs is flung wide, and in the dazzling white opening appear the black, silhouetted figures of Bluebeard and Judith.