Un ballo in maschera
von G.Verdi
Staatstheater Darmstadt
Premiere am 8. Dezember 2018
Regie: Valentin Schwarz
Bühne und Kostüme: Andrea Cozzi
In the dream, I was in the town commons in Aurora, over near the Pershing tank memorial by the clock tower, and what Im doing in the dream is sculpting an enormous marble or granite statue of myself, using a huge iron chisel and a hammer the size of those ones they give you to try to hit the bell at the top of the big thermometerlike thing at carnivals, and when the statue's finally done I put it up on a big bandstand or platform and spend all my time polishing it and keeping birds from sitting on it or doing their business on it, and cleaning up litter and keeping the grass neat all around the bandstand.
And in the dream my whole life flashes by like that, the sun and moon go back and forth across the sky like windshield wipers over and over, and I never seem to sleep or eat or take a shower (the dream takes place in dream time as opposed to waking, chronological time), meaning I'm condemned to a whole life of being nothing but a sort of custodian to the statue.
David Foster Wallace, Good old Neon, 2001